Kudar xayaysiiskaaga

Ku iibi alaabtaada guddi 5%
kaliya in Dallaley

Komishanku waa kalsooni uu ku leeyahay xayaysiiyuhu, haddii iibka loo sameeyay
by ama sababtoo ah goobta, iyo qiimaha ay leedahay waxaa lagu sharaxay sida soo socota:

Akoonka komishanka
house icon

car commission

  • بيع السيارات:0.9% من قيمة السيارة.
  • سيارات للتنازل:0.9% من قيمة التنازل إذا كان التنازل بمقابل.
  • تبادل السيارات:0.9% من قيمة المبادلة إذا كان هناك مقابل للمبادلة.
house icon

Real estate commission

  • Selling a property through the owner: 0.9% of the property value.
  • Selling a property through a broker: The site is considered a partner in the mediation and shares the pursuit with the brokers equally, or the advertiser pays the site 0.9% of the property value.
  • Real estate rental: 0.9% of the value of the new lease contract only, not the renewed contract for the same person.
house icon

Commission for other goods and services

  • Selling an item: 0.9% of the value of the item sold
  • Lease of goods (equipment, etc.): 0.9% of the value of the rental amount.
  • Providing services: 0.9% of the value of the service provided. In the event that the service is provided to more than one person, 0.9% will be transferred for each service provided.
  • Request for a good or service: 0.9% of the sale value.
si aad u rukunto Xubinimada qolalka carradaha iyo guryaha Halkan gal
si aad u rukunto Si aad u subkato xubinnimada adeegyada iyo alaabta la safeeyey. Halkan gal

Akoonka komishanka

Geli qiimaha wax lagu iibinayo
Guddiga la bixin karo 0 Riyaalka

Habka labaad : wareejinta bangiga

Ku bixi wareejinta bangiga mid ka mid ah xisaabaadka soo socda, ka dibna buuxi Foomka Wareejinta Oo sug toddobaad hawlgelinta.

بنك البلاد 9666666666666666 Iban SAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name
مصرف الانماء 9666666666666666 Iban SAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name
مصرف الراجحى 9666666666666666 Iban SAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name
البنك الاهلى 9666666666666666 Iban SAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name
بنك الجزيرة 9666666666666666 Iban SAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name
بنك الرياض 9666666666666666 Iban SAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name

Foomka Wareejinta Komishanka

Si aad u diiwaan geliso komishanka magaca xubinnimadaada ka dibna aad u hesho bogga macaamiisha

Fadlan hubi in macluumaadka wareejintu ay tahay mid sax ah oo sax ah
Siyaasadda Bixinta Guddiga